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Date   : Wed, 17 Sep 1986 19:43:18 GMT
From   : Mark Dapoz <mdapoz%watrose.uucp@BRL.ARPA>
Subject: Re: simtel20 archive access

[munch, munch, mun

In article <3820@brl-smoke.ARPA> HAAR%RCSRLH%gmr.com@CSNET-RELAY.ARPA writes:
>Is the mail server that allows remote access to the SIMTEL20 PD archives
>I sent two requests for the info files, one about 10 days ago and the
>second about a week ago. I have gotten nothing back - not even an
>"addressee unknown" error message. Since I didn't get a message saying
>that it was undeliverable, I assume my message got thru to ARCHIVE-REQUEST.
>My only suspicion is that the server was not able to correctly extract
>a return address for me since the chain of VAX/VMS mail to CSNET phone
>mail to ARPANET can produce some bizarre address syntax. 

I've had the same problem over here.  I was almost ready to give up on my 
request when a reply from it came through.  The final turnaround
time was OVER 10 days.  I have yet to receive a reply from 3 other
requests I sent in only hours after I sent my first request.  Is the
network really this slow?????  The only advice I have is wait (thats
what I'm still doing).

   Mark Dapoz
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