Date : Fri, 26 Sep 1986 07:08:07 GMT
From : Victor O'Rear <victoro%crash.uucp@BRL.ARPA>
Subject: Re: Disk conversion for Apple format
In article <4078@brl-smoke.ARPA> PFENNIGER%CGEUGE51.BITNET@wiscvm.ARPA writes:
>Does anyone know if a disk conversion program exists between
>Apple format and any MS-DOS format?
I have it on good authority that none exists. Apple used such a hardware
dependent system that the best way to read an Apple disk, is to use an Apple
Z80 system and pip it over.
What appled did was put the alignment marks on the disk as written bytes,
and so the controller has to track those codes to read the disk.
I suppose it could be done, but I been told it's VERY hard.
Victor O'Rear {ihnp4, akgua, sdcsvax, cbosgd, sdamos, bang}!crash!victoro
ARPA: crash!victoro@[ucsd,nosc]
BIX: victoro
Proline: ...!{pro-sol,pro-mercury}!victoro
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Fandom: S.T.A.R. - San Diego
Location: 32 47N / 116 56W
[A Feasablity study is now being done on a new discalmer]
[Old Disclaimer]:
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