Date : Tue, 30 Sep 1986 23:04:14 GMT
From : Michael Kersenbrock <michaelk%copper.uucp@BRL.ARPA>
Subject: Simtel <-> Usenet backward question
I have used the new USENET<->SIMTEL access method (thanks!), and have fetched
ccp104p.lbr. This is an enhanced and Z80'd CCP for CP/M 3.x . I have
taken this and enhanced it. My enhancements include:
1. Implemented a Unix-csh style of history mechanism (storing
quasi-conditionally the last 40 commands). Actually it works a
bit better than csh. For instance, just after substitution, you
are passed to the CP/M command line mini-editor. The csh
"history" command is made a built-in "h" command.
2. Implemented a mechanism for easy further enhancement by HLL
means. I think I may want to implement aliases next. No more
of this assembly coding, I thought I gave that up.... :-)
3. I have made a small change that allows my CP/M "port" of the
Neil Russell "make" work properly when using the option that
stops-the-make when a make-step posts an error code.
(I posted this "make" to net.micro.cpm a while back, and so
perhaps I can be blamed for the ruckus that insued -- I had
also posted a CP/M port of a shar/unshar program).
Note that:
a.) My "enhancements" are defeatable by conditional assembly flags
in the header.
b.) It remains "under 4K" which is the limit on my system without
having to do anything tricky (although I *do* have my CP/M 3.0
build-disk under "make"...).
c.) I also wrote a couple "c" utilities to get/put the CCP on the
system-track of my floppies (making "installation" trivial).
These would have to be modified for other people's machines,
but they may be useful starting points assuming you know where
your ccp lives.
d.) I've labeled my version "1.04K"
My QUESTION is this: In a week or two, after having tested this new CCP
a bit more than I have so far, I'd like to distribute
this back to SIMTEL in return for what I received.
HOW DO I DO THIS? or: Does anyone really want CP/M
enhancements anymore now-days?
Mike Kersenbrock
Tektronix Computer Aided Software Engineering
Aloha, Oregon