Date : Wed, 08 Oct 1986 21:42:15 GMT
From : Victor O'Rear <victoro%crash.uucp@BRL.ARPA>
Subject: C Compilers
I would be interested in finding a review of C compilers for the CP/M world.
A local reseller (buy cheep, sell high) has a few C compilers but I think she
may not know what she has.. Any suggestions for compilers I should save up
for? Any news about Supersoft?
Also, any users out there with Montezume Micro's CP/M? I have some questions
about it on my 4p. According to Personal Computing +100,000 units were sold.
Victor O'Rear {ihnp4, akgua, sdcsvax, cbosgd, sdamos, bang}!crash!victoro
ARPA: crash!victoro@[ucsd,nosc]
BIX: victoro
Proline: ...!{pro-sol,pro-mercury}!victoro
People-Net: ....!crash!Pnet#01!victoro
Fandom: S.T.A.R. - San Diego
Location: 32 47N / 116 56W
Dalgish's Law: "Good Judgement comes from experience,
Experience comes from bad judgement."