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Date   : Wed, 15 Oct 1986 16:16:15 pdt
From   : Eric Hildum <ucdavis!clover!hildum@ucb-vax.ARPA>
Subject: re: UUDECODING and UNARCing under VMS

>.Reply to binder@asd.DEC@dec.arpa
>Good grief, why not just download the encoded file directly to your CP/M
>machine (or copy it to a CP/M diskette, or whatever you intended to do with
>the UUDECODED and UNARCed file) and UUDECODE it and UNARC it there?  The whole
>purpose of ARC is to make files smaller and therefore faster to download (or
>mail across the net), so why defeat it?
>Frank Prindle

However, I suspect there are a fair number of us who use an
intermediate host system between the source and the micro. I, for
example, am using a UNIX VAX as a staging area for software that I am
interested in. Becuase of the small size of the disks on my micro, I
cannot download everything and review it there convienently...

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