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Date   : Sat, 18 Oct 1986 12:48:00 MDT
From   : Keith Petersen <W8SDZ@SIMTEL20.ARPA>
Subject: FTP file transfers from SIMTEL20 to MULTICS hosts

When retrieving files from SIMTEL20 to your MULTICS host you must
tell FTP the following:

quote "type L 8"

before starting the transfer.  All files are then stored in MULTICS
9-bit "bytes", whether they are binary or ascii on SIMTEL20.

After you have them on your host, you should have Kermit treat them as
ASCII files in order to get them over to your micro correctly.  You
should make sure that MULTICS Kermit defaults to ASCII and your
Kermit-PC does the same.  If not, give them the appropriate commands
before initiating the transfer.

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