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Date   : Sat, 18 Oct 1986 14:08:22 GMT
From   : "Willie Smith, LTN Components Eng." <w_smith@wookie.dec.com>
Subject: S-100 definition

_THE_ S-100 bus definition is the ANSI/IEEE Std 696-1983,
write to IEEE Inc., 345 East 47th Street, NY, NY  10017.
I think it cost about $10 or so, depends if you are an IEEE
or not.  Definately worthwhile, some of the terminology is
a bit unusual and hard to follow, but read it a few times and
you will get the idea.  This is the spec for the S-100 bus,
so it's _all_ here.
Willie Smith
UUCP:  decwrl!wookie.dec.com!smith
Internet:      smith@wookie.dec.com
       or      smith%wookie.dec.com@decwrl.dec.com
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