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Date   : Mon, 20 Oct 1986 1252:00
From   : "Exit, pursued by a bear" <binder%asd.DEC@dec.ARPA>
Subject: Applicard/StarCard RAMDISK driver

I just bought a StarCard.  I love it, and WordStar really zips with it, but 
maybe I can make it do even better.  The CP/M disk that comes with the card
includes drivers for the screen, Apple RAM printer buffer, floppy, etc.  There
is also a file called RAMDISK.DVR.  This file isn't the code that allows Apple
DOS to use the StarCard's RAM as a RAMdisk, because that file is called
DOSRDISK (I think - I don't have the manual here at work). 

Other than including RAMDISK.DVR in the list of files on the disk, the 
StarCard manual makes no mention whatever of it.  Is RAMDISK.DVR a real CP/M
RAMdisk driver, and if so, will it work with the Apple //e extended 80-column
card, or does it require the RamFactor? 

Thanks for any light you can shed on this.

Dick Binder   (The Stainless Steel Rat)

DEC Enet:      ASD::BINDER
UUCP:          { decvax, allegra, ucbvax... }!decwrl!asd.dec.com!binder
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