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Date   : Mon, 20 Oct 1986 18:44:03 GMT
From   : jay%garfield.uucp@BRL.ARPA
Subject: IMP for the C-128

<Be-ware the Line Mangler>
I just started using the IMP terminal program on the commodore 128. I set
the term to be adm31 and everything works fine except......
 i)  whenever there is a reverse video line (like when you more filename),
     all I get is graphic characters.
 ii) within vi when I insert into a line, it seems to overwrite the line.
     escape after insert does seem to change matters.  does not seem to
     work either.

That is all I found so far. Am I using the most suited termcap entry? Has
anyone else had the same problems and/or fixed them? Please post. Also if 
anyone has the description (with escape sequence codes) for the adm31, I
would appreciate it if you would post it or mail it to me.

Thank you.
J.(Jay) Kumarasingam
UUCP:  {akgua,allegra,cbosgd,ihnp4,seismo,utcsri}!garfield!jay
CDNNET:        jay@garfield.mun.cdn
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