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Date   : Tue, 21 Oct 1986 07:36:00 CDT
From   : ferrill@eglin-vax.ARPA
Subject: Re: Applicard/Starcard RAM DISK driver

>I just bought a StarCard.  I love it, and WordStar really zips with it, but 
>maybe I can make it do even better.  The CP/M disk that comes with the card
>includes drivers for the screen, Apple RAM printer buffer, floppy, etc.  There
>is also a file called RAMDISK.DVR.  This file isn't the code that allows Apple
>DOS to use the StarCard's RAM as a RAMdisk, because that file is called
>DOSRDISK (I think - I don't have the manual here at work). 
>Other than including RAMDISK.DVR in the list of files on the disk, the 
>StarCard manual makes no mention whatever of it.  Is RAMDISK.DVR a real CP/M
>RAMdisk driver, and if so, will it work with the Apple //e extended 80-column
>card, or does it require the RamFactor? 
>Thanks for any light you can shed on this.
>Dick Binder   (The Stainless Steel Rat)
>UUCP:              { decvax, allegra, ucbvax... }!decwrl!asd.dec.com!binder
>ARPA:              binder%asd.DEC@decwrl.ARPA

  The RAMDISK.DVR program was written specifically for the add-on piggy-back
ram board for the starcard.  With this card you can have a 256K ram disk in
CP/M.  I beleive the source is available from PCPI in their toolkit package.
It is possible that this could be modified to use the other Ram cards but that
exercise is left to the student.

Paul Ferrill
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