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Date   : Tue, 21 Oct 1986 12:29:03 ULG
From   : UZ32112%BLIULG12.BITNET@wiscvm.ARPA
Subject: NOTE from UZ32112

Date: 21 October 1986, 12:24:47 ULG
From: Andre PIRARD              +32 (41) 520180(449) UZ32112  at BLIULG12
      SEGI - Universite de Liege
      15, av. des Tilleuls
      B4000 LIEGE (Belgique)
Subject: Re: merging two text files

In article <4630@brl-smoke.ARPA> LIN@mit-xx.ARPA writes:
>I'm looking for a program similar to PASTE that will take two text
>files and turn them into one file of two column.

Wordstar DOES that when you use it in column mode!
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