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Date   : Thu, 23 Oct 1986 19:23:51 CDT
From   : Rob Olson <GA.OLS%ISUMVS.BITNET@wiscvm.ARPA>
Subject: Two 20 slot S-100 motherboards.

In response to Richard Foulk's request for a source of a good S-100
bus definition, there is no place better than the experts.
The IEEE Mirco said the following back in 1983 (I don't subscribe so
I don't know if the information, such as price has changed.):

The 40-page document, IEEE Std 696-1983 is available from the IEEE
Computer Society Order Dept., PO Box 80452, Worldway Postal Center,
Los Angeles, CA 90080. The price is $6.75 for IEEE memebers and $7.50
for nonmembers, plus $2.00 shipping and handling (California
Residents add 6 percent sales tax).

These are the people to contact for the real standard definition.  It
is well written and very readable.

As for the project of connecting two 20 slot motherboards together,
the standard says that a maximum of 22 devices may be connected to
the bus and that the total signal path may not be more than 25 inches
long.  If you need that big a motherboard I'm sure you have done more
S-100 work than I, but I think you may run into awful ringing
problems with that size of motherboard.

I hope one of the Gurus listening in will give some more usefull

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