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Date   : Tue, 02 Dec 1986 14:44:05 WET
From   : Adrian Warman <adrian@cs.ucl.ac.uk>
Subject: Draco Error File.


       I successfully uploaded the DRACO system and example programs from
SIMTEL20, and have had 100% success in getting the demo programs to compile
and run.

       However, for some reason, whenever I try out any program which has
any errors in - for example:


proc nonrec main() void:

if x=1 then
       writeln("Hi there.")

       ...then although the correct error (16) is flagged showing that "x" is
unknown, the full error message does not appear, even though DRCERR.DAT is
on the same (default) directory.

       I am using DRACO.COM rather than BIGDRACO.COM, 'cos my CP/M-plus system
only has a 59K TPA, and BIGDRACO.COM needs 60K (apparently).

       Does anyone have any suggestions as to what I am doing wrong?

               Thanks for any help.

       Adrian Warman
       Dept. Computer Science
       University College London
       London, UK

(Not too sure what the e-mail address is - this is my first posting :-) -, but
I think it is...)

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