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Date   : Wed, 03 Dec 1986 14:23:37 n
From   : David Wild <WILD%FREMBL51.BITNET@wiscvm.ARPA>
Subject: Re: Simtel20 access

I've been getting files from the Archive-Server at SIMTEL20 since its
inauguration without any problems, but now seem to have hit on one....

During the last ten days or so, I have sent off several requests (via the
Bitnet-Arpanet gateway at WISCVM ) but have not had a single reply.

I understand that there is some congestion between Bitnet and Arpanet -
is this the reason? Other stuff from Arpanet appears to be getting through,
including my INFO-CPM mailings. Could anyone throw any light on what is
happening? Have other Bitnet requestors encountered this problem recently?

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