Date : Thu, 04 Dec 1986 15:42:42-EST
From : prindle@nadc.ARPA
Subject: UNIX equivalent for crunch 2.3
I am looking for a high level language (read that "C") implementation which
uncompresses files compressed by the CP/M utility CRUNCH 2.3. I've always
been impressed by the many, many, implementations of SQ/USQ, all of which
read and write the same format files. Unfortunately, this is apparently not
the case with this new generation of "Lempel-Zev" compression programs.
Neither "COMPRESS" (from PD:<UNIX.FILE-MGMT>), nor "LZW" (from PD:<UNIX.CPM>),
will decode this format; add to this the fact that "LZW" seems to be terminally
broken when compiled under UNIX. A solution to this problem is not obvious.
Alternatively, I would take a formal specification of the format of these
"crunched" files and put together such a utility myself.
Thanks in advance,
Frank Prindle