Date : Wed, 18 Feb 1987 18:52:23 GMT
From : jeffj@sfsup.uucp
Subject: need assistance in recovering/salvaging diskette contents
I have a disk and two sectors have gone bad.
I get read errors (meaning that possibly the formatting was damaged).
I understand that there are programs to help me repair the disk.
DISK DOCTOR - Who sells it? Is it much better than DU?
DU - public domain (I'm getting a copy soon.
Will I have to customize it a lot?)
SPAT - public domain. I have a copy. It's useless without
the specific system it was written for.
Since I plan to recover only the text files, I figure that I can
display all the good sectors, and like a puzzle, put together
the good pieces and combine those sectors to a 'good disk'
as one file.
Oh - this is a 5.25" double sided 80 track disk.
track 1 side 0 sector 3 went bad (directory!).
Looking at the other directory sectors would probably help
me find some files and narrow down the sector search.
Any helpful advise?
Jeffrey 'paper based lifeform' Jonas
{ihnp4 | allegra | cbosgd} attunix ! jeffj