Date : Thu, 02 Apr 1987 12:15:24 GMT
From : ucsdhub!jack!man!crash! (Kevin J. Belles)
Subject: UNIFORM-like programs for C/M 2.2
I'm looking for a program, like UNIFORM, that will enable me to read and
write on various disk formats. I have contacted both Uniform and Media
Master, and
neither seem to version for either of my machines, a CCS System 200 and a
Compupro Z-80 based system. I will be checking out Compat by Mycroft Labs
tomorrow, but from what I hear not much chance. Did anybody ever make a more
or less "generic" or user-configureable format program? I can provide the DPBs
for the disktypes I want to read, but although I can think of a good,
effectiveway to make such a program, I don't understand how bitmaps and
the DPB math workwell enough to write it myself. Any ideas? I will summarize
to the net as it
becomes necessary.
Kevin J. Belles - UUCP: {hplabs!hp-sdd, akgua, sdcsvax, nosc}!crash!kevinb
~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ - ARPA: crash!kevinb@{nosc, ucsd}
- INET: kevinb@crash.CTS.COM
- BIX: kevinb