Date : Wed, 15 Apr 1987 10:55:00 CDT
From : <>
I feel there are no differences except for the display
codes for the monitor. I have been running CP/M on the 128
for about a year and have found no problems with running
KAYPRO IV CP/M 2.2 stuff. New Word needed some help, but
not much!!
As for C, I have been using the BDS C compiler for several
months with no problems. I have seen AZTEC C run on another
CP/M machine and I feel that the BDS C compiler is much better.
There was a review of several CP/M compilers in a 1984 BYTE.
If anyone is interested, I could come up with the exact issue.
Ken Linder Western Illinois
KA9RVK (CW lives!!!!!) Please acknowledge that my
opinions are the product of
one semi-intelligent human.