Date : Thu, 16 Apr 1987 1449:00
From : binder%fizbin.DEC@decwrl.DEC.COM (The paisley tie is *mine*!)
Subject: Re: Avoid clearing the screen after warmstart
> I have an apple //e and whenever a CP/M - program is making a warmstart
> after its execution my screen will be cleared. But when this program for
> example displayed a message or something else I can't read it anymore. So
> is there anybody who can tell me (has a patch for CP/M (Vers. 2.2 56K or/and
> Vers. 2.3 60) how one can avoid this behaviour of the CP/M - System?
Ralf, I don't think this is a CP/M problem. I have used 60K Microsoft CP/M
2.23 on an oldstyle SoftCard in both a ][+ and a //e, and 64K PCPI CP/M 2.2 on
an Applicard, and I don't get this screen clearing that you describe. Certain
programs from certain vendors may do it, but the following programs I've used
don't, at least on my system:
Strunk & White
Turbo Pascal
Microsoft F80/M80/L80
All the standard CP/M tools
Sorry I can't be more informative in a positive way, but I hope this will help
point you in the right direction. Good luck in finding an answer.
Dick Binder (The Stainless Steel Rat)
UUCP: { decvax, allegra, ucbvax... }!decwrl!!binder
ARPA: binder%fizbin.DEC@decwrl.DEC.COM