Date : Sat, 02 May 1987 20:39:15 edt
From : (G. J. Marwood)
Subject: Re: configuring pcpi sftvideo
Regarding the difference between the terminal hardware definitions and terminal
software definitions for PCPI SFTVIDEO, you can consider these two things to be
"interface" definitions. The hardware definitions tell SFTVIDEO how to
communicate with your 80-column card (or whatever) using the control- or ESCape
sequences which are typically used to invoke various card functions, e.g. clear
screen; goto x,y etc. These definitions should be found in the manual for the
terminal (80-col etc) card. The software definitions are the code sequences,
typically ESCape sequences, which are used to communicate between your software
and SFTVIDEO. You will see examples of this for example in the terminal
installation INSTALL/WINSTALL programs for Wordstar. Basically, this allows
you to connect completely different terminal control functions in you
software to those in your hardware.
I hope this helps
Gordon Marwood
P.S. I know nothing about the mouse characters as I don't use a ][e.