Date : Sun, 31 May 1987 12:00:45 CET
Subject: Floating Point Routines
a friend of mine is looking for the following:
Source of a BASIC-Interpreter with floating point arithmetics in
8088/Z80 or 80286 assembler
floating point arithmetic routines in same assembler languages to be
incorporated into a to be written BASIC interpreter.
He is working on his thesis in chemistry engineering which involves
develop a portable real time data aquisition system (hardware and
That system will run under a BASIC enabling the useres to write the
programs for each run in a high level language.
We are also looking for ISAM routines either in source code or OBJ
files to be run on an IBM-PC/XT/AT, preferably public Domain.
I'd appreciate any pointers to where to get those files if they exist.
I have no ARPA access here in Germany. I can access the ARCHIVE-
REQUEST@SIMTEL20.ARPA by mail if they are already there. Otherwise one
can send the files as UUencoded mail to this account.
thanx in advance,