Date : Tue, 16 Jun 1987 16:48:58 GMT
From : tikal!sigma! (WIlliam Swan)
Subject: Re: Corvus HD Utilities
In article <268@dsi480.UUCP> dtr@dsi480.UUCP (DTR) writes:
>I have been asked to find a copy of the hard disk utilities that
>came packaged with the Corvus external 20M hard disk. *Somehow*
>our copy has vanished.
>I have been in touch with Corvus in SJ, but they're fresh out of the
>little beauty that I need, and I can't seem to get Corvus Orange County
>to return my calls.
A couple possibilities:
Bruce Kendall, if he is still at Corvus SJ, is likely to be much more helpful
than corporate representatives. This was my experience from about 4 years ago
Failing that, I suspect that Earth Computers (in San Diego) is run by one
Ron Alspaugh, formerly of Alspa Computer, Inc, and it is possible that he
would have a copy of the utilities around..
William Swan {ihnp4,decvax,allegra,...}!uw-beaver!tikal!sigma!bill