Date : Thu, 09 Jul 1987 10:38:00 CDT
From : Scott McBurney <>
Subject: Cromemco
I was given a Cromemco system one with a 5 meg hard disk and one
floppy drive. It also has a board that has 2 parallel printer
outputs (for 2 different printers). I don't know what the board
number is, but it is a cromemco board. The computer runs CDOS, I
guess it is similar to CP/M.
Can anyone tell me how to hook up a standard dot matrix printer
(parallel) to this computer? Also, what kinds of software are
available for it? It has CBASIC, an interesting structured basic,
and a simple screen editor. I would appreciate any information
about any aspect of the machine that I can get.
Scott McBurney - Western Illinois University
Bitnet: MSRS003@ECNCDC
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only a fool will use it."