Date : Sun, 12 Jul 1987 07:49:49 GMT
From : hp-sdd!ucsdhub!jack!man!crash! (Kevin Belles)
Subject: Xebec HD controller (s-100) / *odd* floppy drive
I'm looking for information on the Xebec Hard disk controller for S-100
bus machines. Does anybody out there have any info, such as manuals, BIOS code,
back-end drivers, or (especially) BIOS code for it and either Compupro or CCS
(California Computer Systems) machines? I will soon be getting one, and I'm
hoping to interface it to what I've got.
I'm also looking for infor mation on an *extremely* odd minifloppy drive I
picked up at a swap meet recently. It's a Teac FD-55A, but it's got a logic
board by somebody called AMust Computer Corp, and has a male 20-pin IDC
connector on the back for all connections, including power. Anybody ever heard
of such an interface? I'd like to either patch it in, or find a real Teac
logic board.
Kevin J. Belles - UUCP: {hplabs!hp-sdd, akgua, sdcsvax, nosc}!crash!kevinb
~~~~~ ~~ ~~~~~~ - ARPA: crash!kevinb@{nosc, ucsd}
- INET: kevinb@crash.CTS.COM
- BIX: kevinb