Date : Fri, 31 Jul 1987 13:55:18 EDT
From : "John S. Fisher" <FISHER@CICGE.RPI.EDU>
Subject: Additional functions for the LISTSERV@RPICICGE file server
I've made some additions to the /PDGET command. It now supports
transfers to non-IBM hosts and through gateways. It's full syntax is:
/PDGET <format> simtel.filename < ( encoding >
where <...> mark things that are optional.
"format" specifies the method of transmission to be used:
NETDATA -- suitable for transfer to Bitnet hosts that can accept
files in IBM Netdata format.
PUNCH -- suitable for transfer to Bitnet hosts that can accept
files but cannot decode the Netdata format. Files
are sent as 80-byte card-images.
MAIL -- suitable for transfer to hosts that can accept only
mail or are accessible to Bitnet only through gateways.
Large files sent via mail are split into several
smaller files that the recipient must reassemble.
If the format is omitted, NETDATA is assumed for Bitnet hosts and MAIL
for all others.
"encoding" specifies any special encoding of the file data:
ASIS -- suitable for hosts that can receive binary data. The
file is sent exactly as it is stored on my system:
CP/M sector images, binary mostly. ASIS may be used
only with format NETDATA.
UUENCODE -- suitable for hosts that cannot receive binary data.
The file is sent uuencoded.
TRANSLATE -- suitable for any host, but only when the file actually
represents readable text. The file is translated to
EBCDIC. If you are on an ASCII machine, then your
system should automatically translate to ASCII when
the file arrives.) TRANSLATE applied to a binary file
will yield trash.
If no encoding is specified, then ASIS is assumed for NETDATA, and
UUENCODE for the others.
In each of the following examples the user wants the CPM.CRCLST file to
examine on his host and the UNARC16.ARK file to download to his micro.
Note that none of the examples have a closing parenthesis!
(1) The user is on an IBM host directly connected to Bitnet:
(2) The user is on a non-IBM host directly connected to Bitnet and can
receive Netdata files:
(3) The user is on a non-IBM host directly connected to Bitnet and can
receive punch files:
(4) The user is on some host somewhere: