Date : Mon, 28 Sep 1987 15:05:07 PDT
From : (Marc Wilson)
Subject: HELP!
H E L P !
Is there anyone out there who may have done work on implementing some
other OS than CP/M/Z-System on an Ampro Little Board? If so, I'd like
to hear from you.
I'm currently trying to put up an MP/M system on the #$%^& thing, and
it's turning out to be a lot harder than I had thought it would. Any
help would be appreciated.
If anyone has installed CP/M 3, I'd like to hear about that too, if
you're willing to share your secrets.
I picked up both MP/M II and CP/M+ for a song, and I'd like to get both
going, just to see what they'll do.
Marc Wilson
ARPA: ...!crash!
UUCP: [ cbosgd | hp-sdd!hplabs | sdcsvax | nosc ]!crash!mwilson
INET: mwilson@crash.CTS.COM