Date : Tue, 15 Dec 1987109:34:00-MST
From : "John A. Wright" <SAC.HQSAC-DOCT@E.ISI.EDU>
Subject: CP/M Devices
I am somewhat confused. I have downloaded two terminal pgms for my
Osborn I that are supposed to run off the serial port. Neither does.
In my reading, I have come across the explanation of the "STAT"
command which allows me to assign any physical device to a logical
device. My problem is that I can't figure out form the book exactly
what that means.
According to the Ref manuel I have the following logical devices:
CON: >> Keyboard + screen
RDR: >> serial/parallel/ieee (Can anyone tell me what a "reader" is)
PUN: >> " " " (Can anyone tell me what a "punch" is)
LST: >> " " "
I have the following physical devices:
Does anyone have a simple explanation for all this, or even a not so
simple one would be a help.
From what I have found, the RS-232 (Serial) port and the 9 pin (modem)
port have about the same functions. Book says "the modem and RS-232
interfaces are basically one and the same; the primary difference is
that many of the signal levels on the RS-232 connector are help
constant, while you can manipulate them using the modem connector."
It goes on further to say: "If all you need to do is read to and from
the modem/or serial port, simply change the IO BYTE indirectly by
using the CP/M STAT command..."
Seems to me I should be able to run a standard modem off the RS-232
port if I can change the IO BYTE. Any ideas?
Thanks in advance.