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Date   : Sun, 20 Dec 1987 20:15:51 PST
From   : Bridger Mitchell <bridger%rcc@rand-unix.ARPA>
Subject: Re: Convert CPM to MS-DOS 

DosDisk -- a MS-DOS Disk Emulator for CP/M -- has just been completed.
It may do more, or less, than what you need, depending...

DosDisk runs on CP/M 2.2 or 3 systems that have a "modern" bios that
can support foreign disk formats.  Currently, it is preconfigured
for Kaypro with Turborom or QPM, Morrow MD3 and MD11, ON!, Ampro
LittleBoard, Xeros 820-I with Plus-2 rom, and Commodore C128.

The kit version, for assembly-language buffs, can be configured for
other supporting bioses.

Unlike file-transfer programs such as Uniform and MediaMaster,
DosDisk allows cp/m programs to use the pc disk *directly* --
i.e. you can run WordStar, dBase, ... on files on the pc disk,
no copying is needed.  Effectively, the pc disk becomes a cp/m disk
in a cp/m computer.

If you don't have a suitable bios, or if you need only to copy
files, Uniform, MediaMaster or one of the CP/M public domain
transfer utilities may be what you want.

If you want to use the CP/M disk on an MS-DOS computer, Uniform and
other companies have similar MS-DOS utilities.

A DosDisk announcement should be forthcoming to this list shortly.

--bridger mitchell
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