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Date   : Mon, 21 Dec 1987 11:16:03 GMT
From   : jik@athena.mit.edu (Jonathan Isaiah Kamens)
Subject: Apple CP/M WordStar v. 4?


I am looking for people using Apple CP/M who have actually PAID (Yes,
PAID) MicroPro for WordStar v.4, CP/M edition.  I am asking because
MicroPro has basically shafted me.... I paid $94 dollars to upgrade to
the new software, and it is unuseable on my system (//+ with a
StarCard and a generic 80-column card).  This is extremely unusual
because the old WordStar (v.3.33) worked perfectly.

  Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.  Send E-mail, and
if I get enough responses, I'll summarize.

 -=> Jonathan I. Kamens | "There is no expedient to which man will not go
     MIT '91            |  to avoid the real labor of thought."
     jik@ATHENA.MIT.EDU |                          -- Thomas Alva Edison
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