Date : Sat, 30 Jan 1988 10:50:52 PST
From : Bridger Mitchell <bridger%rcc@rand-unix.ARPA>
Subject: Sieve benchmark for Z280
A year ago, curious about the speed of compilers vs. hand-optimized
Z80 code, I wrote JETPRIME. It proved about 140% faster that
Turbo-Modula 2, which itself was much faster than Turbo Pascal, BDS-C,
and a number of 8088 compiled versions. JETPRIME, on 4Mhz Ampro
Littleboard, was 4.1 sec for 10 iterations; TM2 was about 10.
JETPRIME.LBR or JPRIME.LBR is available on ZNode-Central,
408-432-0821. It may also be on other boards, and simtel20.
I'd be curious to hear how it holds up on the 280.
My third-hand understanding is that the current z280 mask doesn't
correctly handle code (and data?) changes that occur in the
associative cache memory. Self-modifying code is therefore
unreliable, and possibly there are problems with data values also.
End of INFO-CPM Digest