Date : Thu, 18 Feb 1988 10:54:05 MST
Subject: VT52 Emulator Problem
Hello CPM list -
I have a problem that can't really be answered with a simple yes or no.
Recently, LISTSERV@RPICICGE.BITNET started carrying CPM files from SIMTEL20.
I have a Kaypro 2X, work on a VAX cluster running VMS, am on BITNET myself,
and with great joy noticed a VT52 emulator. Got it, and it didn't work. Ok.
The file was <CPM.KAYPRO>KP-VT52.LBR. I ordered it mailed, uuencoded.
Used a CPM version of Kermit to download it to my Kaypro. Decoded it. Ex-
tracted everything with NULU151.COM (also ordered from the LISTSERV). Using
a 300/1200 baud Avatex brand partially Hayes compatible modem, I fired it up.
It sat there, dead still. No response of any kind. With the modem on, the
screen starts a pyrotechnic display that 15 years ago I would have considered
a cheap high. This machine was gone. Had to push the reset. I traced exe-
cution with DDT and here's what I saw:
PC Instruction
==== ==========
0100 NOP
0101 NOP
0102 LXI H,0000*0105
0105 DAD SP*0106
0106 SHLD 0506*0109
0109 LXI SP,4082*010C
010C LXI D,4000*010F
010F LXI H,05F9*0112
0112 LXIB,05FA*0115
0115 ??= ED*425D
425D RST 07*425D and the PC is 425D forever after.
This emulator was written in Z80 by Ray Rizzuto and he used Z80MR as an
assembler (which I notice is also available from this LISTSERV). He states
in his accompanying documentation that this is written for non-graphic versions
of the Kaypro and you guessed it mine is a graphics version.
Has anyone used this emulator? Is there an updated version available?
How about a fix of some kind (I'm not a Z80 whiz but I can stumble through
instructions)? Or, is there another VT52 emulator I can get? Any help
would be greatly appreciated by myself and by several other Kaypro owners here
who are watching and waiting!
I am not on this list so please write to me directly. Thanks!
Rich Travsky
University of Wyoming
P.S. Once - ONCE - after jiggling the modem cable, I got the modem to
auto-dial, but the screen was completely blank (not even a cursor).
Haven't figured that one out yet.