Date : Fri, 11 Mar 1988 18:17:13 GMT
From :! (Jeffrey J Wieland)
Subject: Turbo Modula-2
I called Echelon this afternoon (3/11) to check on the status of my order
for Turbo Modula-2 for CP/M-80. I was told that the new version with the
bug fixes is due back from Borland "by the end of the month". In early
February, I was told that it was due back by the end of February. And
when I called in late December, I was told that the reason that my order
(sent in late November) had not shipped was because the manuals were being
reprinted. The shipping date was then placed in mid-January.
Echelon also said that it probably would be useless to call Borland
direct, as they would deny all knowledge of this product.
Since Echelon has not cashed my check yet, I don't harbor any ill will
towards them. It sure is annoying, though.
Jeff Wieland
End of INFO-CPM Digest