Date : Fri, 18 Mar 1988 15:44:44 GMT
From : killer!ozdaltx!bill@AMES.ARC.NASA.GOV (Billy Bob)
Subject: 8" floppy drive probles
In article <802@nuchat.UUCP>, phillip@nuchat.UUCP (Phillip Keen) writes:
> Robert, although I reallize that 8" floppies are still good, but because you
> cannot find them hardly anymore I think you should get rid of your 8" floppy
> disk drives, but before that get 5 1/4" disk drives then get bunches of
> 5 1/4" disks and copy your library over to the 5 1/4" disks and then get rid
>of your 8" disks and disk drives if you can. Another reason I say this
is I've
> heard that 8" disks and disk drives are unreliable. I don't know if this
> is true or not but it's a rumor I've heard.
> --
>Thanks, Snail Address: Phillip Keen
It must be true. The two Qume DT-8's that I'm using are only 9 years
old. Had to get them cleaned and re-aligned last year, so they must
not be very dependable. Course, my system is only used every day for
only 6-8 hours. ;-}
I did break down last year and buy a newer Qume Track 842 and added it
to the stack.
I am worried about my hard disk, though, it's 8 years old, and still
formats without any errors other than those listed on the factory stat
sheet. It's an 8" Quantum 2040, with considerable miles also.
YOu'd think that IMS, Industrial Micro Systems, the manufactuer of my
S-100, would have made better systems back in 1979.......