Date : Fri, 22 Apr 1988 15:58:42 GMT
From : marque!gryphon!crash! (Marc Wilson)
Subject: Fail to install P2DOS on Apple
In article <3414@zeus.TEK.COM> donk@dadla.UUCP (Donald C. Kirkpatrick) writes:
> I sure don't see anything real obvious. One trap I fell into is to try
> to use M80/L80 and not use the phase pseudo op. I don't think it is
> possible to build a hex file properly without the org/phase statements
> as described. Every attempt without using org/phase resulted in hundreds
> of zero-filled records where I wanted nothing at all. Probably, you didn't
> delete any org/phase/aseg statement so it should work properly.
One possibility would be to tell L80 to make a hex file with an origin
at the location you need. It doesn't have to start at 0100H, you know.
> Let me offer a ray of hope. I am including a program that I almost
> included with the submital. It trys to load the image into memory
> starting at address 4000H. That starting address leaves room to load
> the image and execute DDT/ZSID so you never have to write a .com
> file to disk. All you have to do is load the image by running the
> program, run DDT to add the bdos image, then run the program again
> to write the image to disk. The program is self-documenting, so give it
> a try and let me know what happens.
Why is something like this necessary? The image is up in memory,
*above* where DDT/SID/ZSID will load. SYSGEN will load below this.
Marc Wilson
ARPA: ...!crash!
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INET: mwilson@crash.CTS.COM