Date : Tue, 26 Apr 1988 09:01:00 EDT
From : Stride 440 User <>
Subject: CP/M Emulator...
There is a PD CP/M 2.2 emulator that runs under CP/M-68K. It is
on Simtel20.ARPA as COM.LBR PD1:<CPM.CPM68K>. The .LBR file is a LU310
compatable library file and contains squeezed (USQ210) sources files, in
68000 assembler. This emulator runs under CP/M-68K and has a "dummy"
BIOS/BDOS, which just transfer control to the CP/M-68K BIOS/BDOS. Does
not have a CCP - run one CP/M 2.2 program and returns to CP/M-68K's CCP
(i.e. piggybacks on CP/M-68K's CCP). Under UNIX, I guess you'll have to
write a "real" BIOS/BDOS which fake it and call UNIX system functions. This
emulator is mainly an 8080 emulator - does not fully emulate the Z80, although
hooks are there. Speed: about 1Mhz 8080 on a 10Mhz 68000.
Simtel20.ARPA supports anonymous FTP on ARPANet. I don't know if
this helps any.