Date : Mon, 11 Jul 1988 17:39:33 GMT
From : amdahl!dlb!ardent! (Rob Peck)
Subject: Kaypro and Spinwriter 7710
In article <177@lakart.UUCP>, dg@lakart.UUCP (David Goodenough) writes:
> From article <12412216898.11.D-ROGERS@EDWARDS-2060.ARPA>, by D-ROGERS@EDWARDS-2060.ARPA:
> > I received no reply on this before and i still need help. I have a friend
> > with a Kaypro 4 and an NEC 7710 Spinwriter. They don't seem to talk to
> > each other. I've tried simple things like PIPing a text file to various
I agree with Dave Goodenough's solution, that most likely a null modem
is needed with the cable that is currently being used. I found that one
can often get by with just a 4-wire cable, with 1-1, 2-3, 3-2, and 7-7 in
the cable, and pins 8-20 wired independently at each end. Seems to keep
the devices happy. By the way, this is a standard cable assembly available
from INMAC among other places.
Rob Peck