Date : Tue, 06 Sep 1988 14:18:52 MDT
Subject: Televideo information.
Rick, and other Televedio users,
I talked with Televideo tech. support a couple of days ago (their
number is 408-745-7760), and found out that they have a bulletin board
for the support of their products. It has a bunch of software for the
TS-802 and other stuff. Heres the details:
Phone: 408-734-8561
Baud: 300/1200/2400
Format: 8 data bits, 1 stop bit, no parity.
Procedure: When you're connectted enter a couple CR's, and
it will come back with the startup prompts. Note
that if you're using 2400 baud, you should type a
couple of Control-A's instead of CR's.
End of INFO-CPM Digest