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Date   : Fri, 23 Sep 1988 19:53:02 GMT
From   : cadnetix.COM!cadnetix!rusty@uunet.uu.net (Rusty)
Subject: Z-80 Unix?

In article <2906@mipos3.intel.com> dbraun@cadavr.UUCP (Doug Braun ~) writes:
>I wrote one a couple of years ago.  It is a totally from-scratch implementation
>of the Unix kernel for a 64K CP/M machine.  It runs just fine on my machine,
>being able to support the 7th edition shell with no problems. I would be
>glad to mail the source code or post it to the net.
POST! POST!  well, email if not enough people agree, but I seriously doubt
that will happen.

>The kernel was completely written by me, but unfortunately I cannot legally

Maybe we can figure a way around this?

Rusty Carruth   UUCP: {uunet,boulder}!cadnetix!rusty  DOMAIN: rusty@cadnetix.com
Cadnetix Corp.  (303) 444-8075x296 \  5775 Flatiron Pkwy. \ Boulder, Co 80301
Radio: N7IKQ    'home': P.O.B. 461 \  Lafayette, CO 80026

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