Date : Fri, 28 Oct 1988 00:18:17 GMT
From : iris! (Chris Wee)
Subject: C/80
>If anyone has used either C/NIX or C/80, could they please post their
>opinions on the worth of these programs?
I bought C/80 for my H-89 CP/M computer many, many moons ago. Back then,
I couldn't afford anything else and @ $49, I thought C/80 was the greatest
thing since sliced bread. I still feel that way. I received updates for
longs and float/doubles later and some other stuff, so you can do serious
work with it. For $49, it a an extremely stable and solid product. Yes,
C/80 is missing a few things - bit fields and I can't remember what else,
but it produces fairly tight code and has a farily fast compile time.
Dr. Dobbs published an article featuring a peephole optimizer for Z80/8080
C compilers a few years ago and that optimizer is available in their C Chest.
I still write software for embedded controllers using the Z-80,
but not using C/80 unfortunately. I still wish I could switch to it...