Date : Tue, 01 Nov 1988 17:57:00 GMT
From : tektronix!orca!tekecs!frip!andrew@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Andrew Klossner)
Subject: Aztec C and register declarations
Another correspondent writes about Aztec C:
"The set I bought came with library source, compilers for both
Z80 and 8080 output (the big difference is the Z80 allows one
extra "register" specification) ..."
That's two extra. On the 8080, the first "register" goes in BC, the
rest in the stack frame. On the Z80, the second and third "register"s
go in IX and IY.
Using BC is a win over statics, but IX and IY are not (it takes more
code to use them than it does to use static memory). All three
registers give better code than automatics (stack frame elements).
In 1982 I did an extensive project in Aztec C, on a TRS-80 model II
running Pickles&Trout CP/M. Five months of programming a "business
BASIC" compiler, for real-world money. I was quite happy with the
Aztec C compiler.
-=- Andrew Klossner (uunet!tektronix!tekecs!frip!andrew) [UUCP]
( [ARPA]