Date : Thu, 05 Jan 1989 01:55:53 GMT
From : tektronix!tekecs!frip!andrew@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU (Andrew Klossner)
Subject: Redirection of printer output
"My father works with a Kaypro 10 and a Kaypro II. He is
trying to capture output that would normally be sent to the
printer (serial port) to a disk file. Can this be done in CPM?
Can anyone tell me the command sequence or utility to do it?"
There is no standard way to do this. It wouldn't be hard to write a
utility to do it; the utility would shuffle itself to high memory and
load the application (like DDT), capture the BDOS "print character"
vector, and buffer and write a disk file.
[The contributor who suggested PIP has apparently confused
printer->disk with disk->printer.]
-=- Andrew Klossner (uunet!tektronix!hammer!frip!andrew) [UUCP]
( [ARPA]