Date : Wed, 18 Jan 1989 11:30:00 GMT
From : mcvax!unido!nixpbe!ugun21!
Subject: Fate of Turbo Modula 2 ?
gonnason@eneli.uucp.UUCP writes:
> I was wondering if anyone on USENET knows anything about the fate of
>Echelon and/or the Turbo Modula 2 compiler they used to sell. I own a
>copy of the compiler for my SB180 (purchased through MicroMint), and it
>seems I have another orphan.
> Does anyone know who 'owns' the rights to Turbo Modula 2 ??? And,
>is it possible to get any information about bug fixes/updates ??? Also,
>I'd like to find documentation on the additional two BIOS calls in the
>new BIOS version (3.2, ZRDOS version 1.7) that came packaged with the
>compiler. It seems the new calls are there for allocating/releasing
>unused chunks of the RAM disk, but I can't confirm this. Any ideas?
>Please MAIL replies - I'll summarize and post if enough interest is
>expressed, but I think this is a low interest topic!
1. As far as I know, Micromit (Vernon, CT: (203) 871-6170) now 'owns'
TM-2 (Ref.: Ken Davidson)
2. I use TM-2 on an SB180FX, it allocates-frees RAM disk blocks
automatically to load modules into.
Josef Moellers
paper mail: e-mail:
c/o Nixdorf Computer AG USA: uunet!linus!nixbur!mollers.pad
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