Date : Fri, 10 Feb 1989 08:45:00 GMT
From : mcvax!unido!nixpbe!ugun21!
Subject: Echolon
In his note, Fred Schiff (vu0141@bingvaxu.UUCP) writes:
>Does someone have the mailing address of Echolon, the people who make
>ZCPR and other things. They seem to have moved since I last contacted
>them a few years ago.
As far as I know, Echelon does no longer exist.
Try contacting a guy called Ken Davidson at Micromint/Circuit Cellar INK
He told me this a couple of months ago and knew more (I have fogotten
the details).
Josef Moellers
paper mail: e-mail:
c/o Nixdorf Computer AG USA: uunet!linus!nixbur!mollers.pad
Abt. EG-3 !USA: mcvax!unido!nixpbe!mollers.pad
Unterer Frankfurter Weg
D-4790 Paderborn
tel.: (+49) 5251 104691
Standard disclaimer: Blablabla opinion blablabla employer blablabla!
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