Date : Thu, 18 May 1989 13:54:12 GMT
From : n8emr!uncle!oink! (James E. Prior)
Subject: Wanted: PL/M-80 compiler
In article <208@guardian.UUCP> guardian! (Ken
Reese) writes:
>A company called RTCS made an ISIS emulator that runs under MS-DOS.
>I've seen it used to run several ISIS-based translators and compilers. If
>the company is still in business it would probably be the best bet for
>running any ISIS software.
We have it here. It's screwy as hell. They must have really worked hard to
come up with some of their bugs. When we run a particular assembler, it
barfs under ISIM, unless the command line argument file names are of
different lengths! I didn't make this up. I don't trust ISIM.
Jim Prior jep@oink osu-cis!n8emr!oink!jep N8KSM
End of INFO-CPM Digest