Date : Fri, 19 May 1989 11:58:00 EST
From : "Der Vax Kriminal (I'm kinda nice, tho')." <JSHIN%HAMPVMS.BITNET@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU>
Subject: QX-10 and a MASM?
I just bought an EPSON QX-10 *old!) second-handed from a professor here
(Hampshire College). Well, the problem is that the computer is
"extinct" now, and I am having a difficult and costly (fonbills) time
looking for information and software for it.
I am in a desperate need for a good Macro Assembler (relocatable, hopefully)
for the Z80 (I can live with 8080) processor, and maybe some tips on
usiong the QX-10. Games and other neat stuff for CP/M-80 would be
good, too, of course.
The tech manual for the QX-10 costs $80-ish, and I can't afford that until
August or so...
Can someone help me?
John Juncholl Shin (JSHIN@HAMPVMS.bitnet)