Date : Wed, 31 May 1989 16:59:24 GMT
From : amdahl!drivax! (Mark Alexander)
Subject: Wanted: PL/M-80 compiler
In article <208@guardian.UUCP> guardian! (Ken
Reese) writes:
>A company called RTCS made an ISIS emulator that runs under MS-DOS.
I missed the original posting so I can't use email. A few years ago I
wrote an ISIS emulator for MS-DOS that runs Intel's PL/M-80, ASM-80,
LINK-80, etc. There's a version for the NEC V20, which makes use
of the 8080 emulation feature in that CPU, and one that runs on
any old 8088, 286, 386, etc. The V20 emulator is about as fast
as the 386 version. If you would like the source and executable
for this program, I'd be happy to mail it out.
Mark Alexander (amdahl!drivax!alexande)
End of INFO-CPM Digest V89 Issue #129