Date : Wed, 14 Jun 1989 14:26:33 GMT
From : rebel!hisata! (Doug Allison)
Subject: Kaypro 10 disk problem
In article <2229@ur-cc.UUCP> (Mike Scott) writes:
>I have a Kaypro 10 running CPM 2.2 and have been receiving occasional 'System
>Status 02 - BDOS error'.
My Kaypro 10 had similar problems, and CHECK showed tons of errors on
the A: drive. Most of the errors were in the directory area, and eventually
it wouldn't even boot from the HD. I was sure I was in for a new drive,
so after making sure I had a good back up (or 2), I ran FORMAT.COM, to
reformat the entire drive. I then ran PUTSYS and PUTOVL, and restored the
backed up data. Everything was fine. Curiously this happened another time,
and I had to go through the same procedure. No further problems, and the
Kaypro has had about 4 years of fairly heavy use since then. (I have my
fingers crossed, though.) I don't know if this would help your problem,
but anything's worth a try.
Doug Allison
UUCP: {most backbones}!gatech!hisata!doug