Date : Thu, 06 Jul 1989 16:46:43 GMT
From : ssbell!mcmi!amperif!unocss! (Marcus S. Lewis)
Subject: Unix.
From article <8907040701.AA14772@ucbvax.Berkeley.EDU>, by JSHIN@HAMPVMS.BITNET
("Hey, I'm from Korea, too!"):
> Has anyone ported Unix to a CP/M (or any Z-80) machine?
> Or, Is there a C compiler that is big and generic enough (or a Unix source
> that is generic enough) to compile the system?
Yes, there is a Unix for Z-80. It's called UZI (neat name, yes?)
I have the source, I think Simtel has it as well. It is in C with
a potload of inline assembler. It was posted to comp.unix.sources
a few months ago.
Laugh, and let me know if it works.
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