Date : Sun, 30 Jul 1989 11:12:49 GMT
From : amdahl!pacbell!sactoh0! (Ian R. Justman)
Subject: Ramdisk under CPM
In article <752@madnix.UUCP>, rat@madnix.UUCP (David Douthitt) writes:
> There ARE other CP/M cards besides the slowpokes from AE and Microsoft.
> The PCPI card has numerous drivers in the public domain (it has a standard
> way of installing any appropriate driver that you choose). There might
> be one for an Apple memory card.
> If you don't have an Applicard, perhaps its time you left 1MHz in the dust
> and got an older card which still has yet to be beaten at 6MHz.
> Applied Engineering, when you gonna wake up and smell the roses? This card
> is at LEAST 5 years older than the Z80 Plus and runs 6 times faster.
Sure it beats those cards. But what about //c owners who want to
run CP/M? Just tell me where one can get an Applicard-type device
for the //c and I'll be happy knowing that you're a little bit
BTW, what about those of us who can't currently afford an
Applicard? What are we to do now? Are we in the stone ages? We
might, but if we get the job done, and it may take a bit longer,
who cares?!?!? You have to realize that a lot of us can't go out
and get an Applicard at the snap of a finger. Money doesn't grow
on trees, you know. I personally want an Applicard myself, but I
just can't afford it. Is there something wrong with that? If you
think there's something wrong with me because I should be running a
PCPI card instead of a Microsoft one, and I'm able to get stuff
done, only at a slower pace, there's something wrong with your
ability to reason, bud. SERIOUSLY wrong.
Home: Ian Justman |UUCP: |"One of the few
6612 Whitsett Drive | |die-hard CP/M
North Highlands, CA 95660| pacbell!sactoh0!ianj |addicts left on this
(916) 344-5360 | |planet"