Date : Sat, 12 Aug 1989 00:16:54 GMT
From : ndsuvm1.bitnet! (Eric H. Romo)
Subject: Any Files For Older Altos Computer?
I have an Altos computer that was marketed under Moore Business
System's label. I understand it runs with a Z80 chip and uses
CPM, and it probably came out around the early 1980's. I'd like
to make use of it alongside my Mac+. I understand the hard drive
it has can't be easily interfaced to the Mac, but I'd like to
make use of the Altos as best I can, including sending files
back and forth to the Mac.
What I'd like to know in general is what public domain or
shareware programs are around for it, and can it run any garden
variety CPM program(if such things exist). I have no manuals for
the machine, plus I use my Mac+ for most everything. It's just
that I got this Altos for cheap, and I'd like to explore what's
out there for it, ESPECIALLY telecommunication programs and BBS
host programs- I'm contemplating running a BBS off of it since
it has a 8.5 Meg hard drive in it. I'd also like to know more
about transferring files to and from my Mac+. Please send your
replies to me: UD069225 at VM1.NODAK.EDU.
Thanks for whatever you can come up with.. Eric.